So I have finally come to terms with my baby acne...well actually I decided not to listen to my family doctor and see the specialist at the kids clinic at the local hospital. Sofia has 'old
skool' doctor basically looked at her face and said, "yeah, I've seen this before, don't worry, babies get rashes, you can put cream on it if you want." This is the response I was not happy with, the specialist said, "Sofia has eczema, this can be caused by many factors, we aren't really sure what, what happens is the dermatological
blah blah blah...put cream on it." Some of you might say that these two responses are the same, in my head adding the obligatory medical jargon really helps me feel better. Since I was sure now that this 15 year old doctor who had memorized passages from his medical text to help make new moms feel better was the best thing in modern medicine I decided to ask him about the wonderfully cute habit Sofia has picked up of crying daily from 5pm to 11pm. My doctor said, " babies cry, what can we do?",
Doogie Howser told me she had....she had....I"m almost afraid to say it out loud....COLIC!!!!
What is COLIC you ask, COLIC is god punishing you for all the horrible things you ever did, all the mean things you said, the candy bars you stole, the people you broke up with via email...all of it coming back to haunt you!
Basically it means your baby cries, and cries A LOT, and there is nothing we can do but buy ear plugs!
Speaking of which, it's 20minutes to 5pm, the countdown is on so I better pee, eat, pay bills, respond to email, clean and brush my teeth and prepare for bed while I still have the chance.