Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I just fell in love...again.

Okay, I know they say when you see your baby for the first time you feel a love so intense it is beyond description, and I completely agree...but to be honest, when I met Sofia for the first time I was pumped with so many drugs, having gone through 16 hours of labour, and was in the process of having my abdomen stitched back together...let's just say I was not in the most coherent of states. However, today I experienced something that more than made up for it (hence the pretty font colour, I'm feeling quite gushy and motherly right now).

I think Sofia snuck out of her bassinet last night and read my most recent blog post about her colic and thought she would give me a little something to keep me going. She smiled at me for the first time, and this wasn't one of those sort of looking in my direction and smiling while taking a dump, she looked right at me, I started to make my cheesy mom faces and she smiled back...right at me...she saw me...and smiled...well, that feeling I had never felt before, I have never felt such an intense emotional connection in my life. Truly amazing!

...and to just prove she's her bitchy-cranky mother's daughter, she has just spent the last 5 hours screaming.....gotta love her;)

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